62 studieboeken international business and languages - Hogeschool Windesheim
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Understanding Cross-Cultural Management 3rd edn
Marie-Jo'Elle Browaeys
Druk: Third Edition
ISBN13: 9781292015897
Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications
Kenneth E. Clow
Druk: 7th edition
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Accounting and Finance: An Introduction 9th edition
Eddie McLaney & Peter Atrill
Druk: 9th Edition
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Berufspraxis Deutsch. Kurs- und Ãbungsbuch + Audio-CD
Graziella Guenat en Peter Hartmann
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Geld internationale economische betrekkingen en bedrijfsomgeving / druk 3
Hulleman & W. Hulleman
Druk: 3e
ISBN13: 9789001407285